Wheel Route: What is wheel route in football and how to use it?

As a football enthusiast, I am always intrigued by the different types of plays that teams use to score points. One of these plays is the wheel route, which is a popular passing play used by teams in different situations. In this article, I will take you through what a wheel route is, how to run it, when to use it, and its importance in the game. I will also highlight examples from top NFL teams and offer tips for incorporating it into your game plan.

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What is a Wheel Route in Football?

It is a passing play that involves a receiver running a deep route towards the sideline and then turning upfield towards the end zone. The receiver’s path resembles the shape of a wheel, hence the name “wheel route.” It is a play that is designed to create space for the receiver to catch the ball in stride and continue downfield for a big gain or a touchdown.

This is usually run by a running back or a tight end, but it can also be run by a wide receiver. It is a play that requires speed and agility from the receiver, as well as precise timing from the quarterback. The success of the play also depends on the receiver’s ability to beat the defender and catch the ball.

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How to Run a Wheel Route in Football

To run this, the receiver lines up in the backfield or at the line of scrimmage, depending on the formation. The receiver then runs a few steps towards the sideline before turning upfield and sprinting towards the end zone. The quarterback must throw the ball with enough air and distance to allow the receiver to catch it in stride and continue downfield.

The key to running this strategy is timing. The quarterback must time the throw perfectly to allow the receiver to catch the ball without breaking stride. The receiver must also time his route to beat the defender and catch the ball at the right moment. It is a play that requires precise execution from both the quarterback and the receiver.

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The Different Types of Wheel Routes in Football

There are different types of wheel routes that teams can use, depending on the situation. The most common types include:

The Texas Route

The Texas route is a variation of the wheel route that involves the receiver running a shallow route towards the middle of the field before breaking towards the sideline. It is a play that is often used to counter aggressive defenses that focus on stopping the deep pass.

The Option Route

The option route is a variation of the wheel route that involves the receiver reading the defender’s coverage and adjusting his route accordingly. It is a play that requires a high level of skill and communication between the quarterback and the receiver.

The Angle Route

The angle route is a variation of the wheel route that involves the receiver running a diagonal route towards the sideline before turning upfield. This design create confusion for the defender and create space for the receiver.

When to Use a Wheel Route in Football

The wheel route is a play that can be used in different situations, depending on the team’s game plan. It is a play that is often used to attack the defense downfield and create big gains or touchdowns. It is also a play that can be used to counter aggressive defenses that focus on stopping the run or the short pass.

Teams often use the wheel route in situations where they need a big play or a touchdown. It is a play that requires precise execution and timing, but when done correctly, it can be a game-changer.

The Wheel Route in the NFL 

Many NFL teams use this in their game plan, and some have had great success with it. One example is the New England Patriots, who used this plan to great effect in their Super Bowl win against the Los Angeles Rams. In that game, running back James White caught a wheel route pass from quarterback Tom Brady for a crucial touchdown.

Another example is the Kansas City Chiefs, who used the wheel route to great effect in their Super Bowl win against the San Francisco 49ers. In that game, tight end Travis Kelce caught a wheel route pass from quarterback Patrick Mahomes for a crucial touchdown.

The Importance of Timing in the Wheel Route

As I mentioned earlier, timing is crucial in this strategy. The receiver must time his route perfectly to beat the defender and catch the ball at the right moment. The quarterback must also time his throw perfectly to allow the receiver to catch the ball in stride.

Timing requires practice and communication between the quarterback and the receiver. It is a skill that can be developed and improved with repetition and experience.

The Role of the Quarterback in the Wheel Route

The quarterback plays a critical role in this. He must read the defense and make the right decision on when to throw the ball. He must also time his throw perfectly to allow the receiver to catch the ball in stride.

The quarterback’s ability to execute this depends on his arm strength, accuracy, and decision-making skills. It is a play that requires a high level of skill and experience from the quarterback.

The Position of the Receiver in the Wheel Route

The receiver’s position is crucial in the wheel route. He must line up correctly and run his route with precision and timing. He must also beat the defender and catch the ball at the right moment.

The receiver’s ability to execute the wheel route depends on his speed, agility, and route-running skills. It is a play that requires a high level of skill and experience from the receiver.


The wheel route is a play that can be a game-changer when executed correctly. It is a play that requires precise timing, execution, and communication between the quarterback and the receiver. It is a play that can be used in different situations, depending on the team’s game plan.

To incorporate the wheel route in your game plan, you must practice it repeatedly and develop your timing and execution skills. You must also communicate effectively with your quarterback and develop a good rapport with him.

In conclusion, the wheel route is a play that can add a new dimension to your game plan. It is a play that requires skill, practice, and communication, but when done correctly, it can be a game-changer.

Wheel Route in Football FAQs

What is a Wheel Route in Football?

A wheel route is a passing play that involves a receiver running a deep route towards the sideline and then turning upfield towards the end zone.

How to Run a Wheel Route in Football?

The receiver lines up in the backfield or at the line of scrimmage. The receiver then runs a few steps towards the sideline before turning upfield and sprinting towards the end zone.

When to Use a Wheel Route in Football?

This is a play that can be used to attack the defense downfield and create big gains or touchdowns and to counter aggressive defenses that focus on stopping the run or the short pass.

What are the different types of Wheel Routes in Football?

There are different types of wheel routes that teams can use including the Texas route, The Option Route and the angle route. 

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